Saturday, December 15, 2012

What's up?

Thank you for asking...Here's what's up.

Kalani was a super-hero for Halloween, and many days since. Every time I get him out of the high chair (which he can easily climb in and out of himself) he says "Gotchu! I saved you Mommy." My hero.

We like to go for walks, and see cool things like skinks along the trail. We have even seen a bald eagle. Awesome!

Look at this seaweed! Kind of cool, kind of disgusting.

My boys on the beach.

I love these designs in the sand and rocks at the beach.

Suvi decided to explore the concepts developed by Jackson Pollack. She also taught Kalani the basic principles that she learned at her Fine Arts Class. 

I've been finding these all over the house. Creepy right?

Super Trailer adds one more thing to her resume. Hauling Christmas trees. We were getting them for a 4H fundraiser.